Table of contents
Preamble, Name, Objectives, Location & Interpretation
- Article 9 - Eligibility
- Article 10 - Classification
- Article 11 - Active Members
- Article 12 - Inactive Members
- Article 13 - Retired Members
- Article 14 - Associate Members
- Article 15 - Honorary Members
- Article 16 - Student Membership
- Article 17 - Obligations of Members
- Article 18 - Application for Membership
- Article 19 - Fees and Dues
- Article 20 - Strike and Defense Funds
- Article 21 - Withdrawal of Membership
- Article 22 - Reinstatement of Membership
Management of the Union, Executive Officers and Board
- Article 23 - Board of Directors
- Article 24 - Representation
- Article 25 - Local Unit
- Article 26 - Eligibility for Elections or to Serve as an HSAA Representative
- Article 27 - Nominations and Elections
- Article 28 - Term of Office
- Article 29 - Election of District Board Members
- Article 30 - Oath of Office
- Article 31 - President and Vice-President
- Article 32 - District Board Members
- Article 33 - Vacancy (Automatic)
- Article 34 - Removal from Office
- Article 35 - Leave of Absence
- Article 36 - Duties of the Board
- Article 37 - Financial Powers
- Article 38 - Signing Officers
- Article 39 - Duties of the Executive Officers
- Delegation of Duties and Authority
Financials & Save Harmless
Code of Ethics
Complaints, Liability & Seal
Membership Benefits Funds
- Article 56 - Members' Benefits Committee
- Article 57 - Elisabeth Ballermann Social Justice and Labour Relations Fund
- Article 58 - Bursary Funds
- Article 59 - Dell Taylor Memorial Education Fund
- Article 60 - Emergency Financial Assistance Fund
- Article 61 - Disaster Relief Fund
- Article 62 - Line of Duty Death Benefit
Article 48 - Meetings of the Membership
In-Person Meetings
HSAA believes that meeting in person is our preference when conducting business. When this is impossible due to circumstances set forth in the Article: Postponement of Annual Convention or Called Special Meeting, meetings may be conducted via online technology provided every reasonable attempt is made to address delegates’ privileges.
The Union shall hold an annual Convention.
The convention is the highest decision-making authority for the union. At such meetings, members have the opportunity to make, ratify or reverse any decisions to the extent that such action would not violate the Constitution or any collective agreement in force between HSAA and any employer. The convention shall mandate the activities of the board of directors between conventions. The membership shall be represented at these meetings by delegates.
- Notice
- All members shall be given notice of the date and place of the convention no later than January 1.
- The accidental omission to give notice of any meeting or the non-receipt thereof by any member(s) or Local Unit shall not invalidate any resolution or constitutional amendment passed or proceedings taken at the convention.
- HSAA shall provide notice to the last-known address or email address of each member and shall be posted to the public-facing portion of the website. Such notice shall be deemed sufficient for the purpose of conducting union business.
- Resolutions
- A group of members or a Local Unit may bring matters before a Convention for consideration by means of resolutions submitted to the Constitution, Bylaws, Resolutions & Policy Committee. These resolutions may include proposed constitutional changes, policy matters or position statements.
- The Board of Directors may submit its own resolutions to Convention.
- All resolutions for submission to Convention must be received at the Union head office at least forty-five (45) days prior to Convention or they shall not be considered.
- All policy resolutions shall not exceed 150 words.
- Copies of resolutions shall be provided to all members at least thirty (30) days prior to Convention.
- Emergency resolutions may be submitted in writing to the table at convention at the close of the first day. An emergency resolution must deal with a subject matter that has arisen during the forty-five (45) days immediately preceding the opening of the convention. The Constitution, Bylaws, Resolution & Policy Committee shall determine whether it is an emergent resolution or not and proceed accordingly.
- Delegate Status at Convention
- Credentials shall be granted to active Local Units as defined in Article: Local Units, based on one (1) delegate per fifty (50) members, or portion thereof.
- Local Units shall determine the process for distributing credentials to its members.
- Members who are not selected to receive credentials from their Local Unit but wish to attend may enter their names on a waiting list within their district.
- Should a Local Unit not use all of their allotted credentials, the unused credentials shall be offered by random draw to those on the waiting list from within their district.
- Current members of the HSAA Board of Directors shall automatically be granted delegate status separate from Local Unit or District distributions.
- Board members-elect and members of HSAA Board Committees reporting to Convention are entitled to attend and participate with voice but no vote in the Convention, unless they have been granted delegate status through Local unit or District distribution.
Quorum at Convention shall be fifty per cent plus one (50% + 1) of the registered delegates.
- Voting
- Only delegates in attendance at convention are entitled to vote and they are entitled to cast one (1) vote on each issue.
- A simple majority vote of the delegates present and voting shall be sufficient to pass any resolution presented to convention except those which change the Constitution for which a two-third (2/3) majority is required.
- In case of a tie vote, the resolution is defeated.
Special Meetings
A special meeting shall be at the call of the Board of Directors with a two-thirds (2/3) majority vote or more than 25% of the membership in writing provided that the nature of the business is stated in the request. Electronic signatures shall be deemed acceptable. For the purposes of this provision, the size of the membership is determined by the number of active members on the last day of the preceding month of the petition.
A special meeting may be called by the Board of Directors or a group of members to deal with a matter of business that cannot be delayed until the ensuing convention. Such a meeting shall deal only with the subject matter contained in the written request of the membership or the Board of Directors.
Upon the receipt of a written request of the membership with the required number of signatures, the Board of Directors shall call a special meeting within 21 days.
- Notice
- Members listed as delegates at the previous convention shall be given fourteen (14) days’ notice of the special meeting and shall be invited to attend provided that the nature of the business is stated. This may be done electronically.
- The notice shall state the date, hour and place of the meeting, and the nature of the business to be transacted.
- The accidental omission to give notice of any meeting or the non-receipt thereof by any member(s) or Local Unit shall not invalidate any resolution or constitutional amendment passed or proceedings taken at the special meeting.
- HSAA shall provide notice to the last-known address or email address of each member and shall be posted to the public-facing portion of the website. Such notice shall be deemed sufficient for the purpose of conducting union business.
Quorum at any special meeting shall be fifty per cent plus one (50% + 1) of the registered delegates or 100 delegates, whichever is greater.
- Voting
- Only delegates in attendance at the special meeting are entitled to vote and they are entitled to cast one (1) vote on the issue.
- A simple majority vote of the delegates present, and voting, shall be sufficient to pass any resolution presented at the special meeting except those which change the Constitution for which a two-third (2/3) majority is required.
- In case of a tie vote, the resolution is defeated.
- The removal from office of an Executive Officer of Board Member requires two thirds (2/3) majority vote.
Postponement of Annual Convention or Called Special Meeting
Once the call for the annual convention or special meeting has been made, every reasonable effort must be made to adhere to the date, time and place of the meeting stated. The board, by a two-thirds majority vote, may postpone a meeting only due to public order by an official government body or an emergent situation. In such a case, the postponed meeting must be held within six months of the originally scheduled meeting. The postponed meeting may be held via online technology.