Mission, Core Values & Vision
HSAA’s mission is to advocate for the rights and promote unity of our diverse membership of health-care professionals as they care for people and enhance the well-being of our communities.

Core Values
Solidarity — Unity and common purpose in advocating for and supporting worker rights.
Respect — Treat everyone with respect, dignity, professionalism and empathy.
Diversity, Equity and Inclusion — Champion diversity, equity and inclusion as essential to the success of our organization and society.
Integrity — Open, honest and fair in our actions and decision-making.
Accountability — Hold ourselves accountable and each other accountable as we work towards shared goals.

HSAA is recognized as a progressive health-care union that:
- advocates for publicly-funded and publicly-delivered universal health care;
- champions worker rights in our members’ workplaces whether they be public or private; and,
- focuses on improving the lives of its members, the people they care for, and the communities they serve.
Strategic Plan Goals
Goal - Members
Members understand union fundamentals and value the importance of working together to improve the conditions and outcomes for all workers.
- All members have access to an enhanced education program of labour fundamentals.
- More members are taking on roles and engaging in union activities.
- Increase the number of opportunities for members to participate and influence our union.
- Increase opportunities to educate members about how their involvement and support helps their fellow union members’ working conditions.
- Local Units actively participate in the democratic process by representing local issues and providing education and information to their members.
- Members understand their Collective Agreement and know how to utilize their rights.
Goal - Government
The provincial government upholds, protects and expands upon a fully accessible and quality health-care system that is publicly-funded and publicly-delivered.
- Stop further privatization.
- Expand nationalization to other areas of public health (e.g. pharmacare, dental care).
- Increase and expand access to provincial and national public health-care services.
- Reduce the impact of privatization on members.
- Increase members’ engagement in government relations and advocacy.
Goal - Employers
Employers support employees in their delivery of quality, safe and reliable health care.
- Increase total staffing levels and reduce vacancies within the public health care system to provide high quality patient care and ensure specific consideration for how this is addressed in rural areas.
- Increase pressure on employers to provide manageable workloads and a healthy work/life balance and ensure specific consideration for rural areas is given.
- Complete all essential service agreements and maintain state of readiness as applicable with bargaining cycles.
- Increase communications and collaborative approaches with employers.
Goal - Patients & All Albertans
The public understands the integral role that HSAA plays in health care.
- Increased retention and recruitment of health-care professionals.
- Increase awareness of the importance and role our members play in preventative medical care to decrease the impact of the family physician crisis.
- Increase awareness of the importance and role our members play in preventative medical care to decrease the impact of the family physician crisis.
- Maintain public recognition of the purpose and value of unions.
- Increased access to affordable education programs for future health-care professionals.
- Increased public awareness of the actual cost of health care.
Goal - HSAA
HSAA provides high-quality, trusted, member-centered services and advocacy.
- Increase clarity of roles and responsibilities of Board, Staff, Local Unit Executives, Stewards and Committee Members.
- Increase consistency and reliability of HSAA services.
- Increase transparency and effectiveness of HSAA’s decision-making processes.
- Increase the number of opportunities for a greater number of members to engage in union activities including an increase in new member engagement.