
The Constitution is HSAA’s highest expression of the collective will of the membership of the Union. It stands as the ultimate authority upon which every decision is based. As such, it can only be amended by a 2/3 vote of the delegates at Convention of a special meeting.

Curious what has changed? If you would like to view a copy of the Constitution where changes from the previous Convention are highlighted in red text, click the corresponding button below to view the PDF version.

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Article 25 - Local Unit

  1. Members are by default assigned to a Local Unit. However, a group of HSAA members may define itself as a “Local Unit” of HSAA, with consideration to the following principles:
    1. Members covered under the same bargaining certificate existing at the same site are encouraged to amalgamate into one Local Unit.
    2. Members covered by separate bargaining certificates existing at the same site may opt to amalgamate.
    3. Members covered by the same bargaining certificate with small numbers at multiple sites may wish to act as one Local Unit.
  2. Local Unit reconfigurations and the creation of newly organized Local Units shall be subject to approval by the HSAA Board.
  3. An active Local Unit is one that has held an Annual General Membership Meeting of the Local Unit members and has a duly elected Local Unit Executive.
  4. Local Unit representatives include a Local Unit chair, or two (2) co-chairs, group representatives, stewards and other positions as determined by the Local Unit. These Local Unit representatives shall form the Local Unit executive.
  5. The role of the Local Unit Executive is to advocate for and engage their members.
  6. Local Unit representatives are not authorized to bind the organization contractually, except as expressly delegated by a duly authorized officer of HSAA.
  7. Local Unit representatives are elected by members of the Local Unit for a term of up to three years, and may be re-elected for successive terms.
    1. Stewards are elected with a fixed term of three (3) years.
    2. If a Local Unit representative is unable to complete the term of office, the Local Unit may hold a by-election to replace the representative and notify the HSAA office of this change.
  8. Removal of Local Unit Executive Member

    A Local Unit Executive member may be temporarily removed from office for the duration of an investigation by a seventy-five percent (75%) majority vote of members of the Board of Directors. Allegations of a breach of the Code of Ethics or a breach of any of the Constitution of the Union may be made by a member in accordance with Article – Complaint(s) Management Process, or by an Executive Officer if it is deemed that such action is in the best interest of the Union.

    If the investigator’s report recommends disciplinary action, the Discipline Committee shall hear and determine the disposition of the complaint.

    If the Discipline Committee renders a decision for removal from office, the Board shall call a General Membership Meeting of the Local Unit within thirty (30) days of receiving the decision.  The members present at the General Membership Meeting shall vote to ratify or reverse the decision of the Discipline Committee.

    A vote to remove the Local Unit Executive member must carry by a sixty-six and two-thirds percent (66 2/3%) majority of those members voting at the General Membership Meeting.

    The decision reached at the General Membership Meeting shall be final and binding.

    If quorum at a General Membership Meeting cannot be achieved, the Board shall make a final decision.

  9. Removal of a Local Unit Executive

    In cases of emergency an Executive Officer(s) may temporarily remove a Local Unit Executive from office.

    The Executive Officer(s) shall appoint an interim representative who shall be responsible for the governance of the Local Unit.

    A meeting of the Board of Directors shall be convened within fifteen (15) days to review and approve or overturn the decision of the Executive Officer(s). For approval, a seventy-five percent (75%) majority vote of members of the Board of Directors is required.  

    Should the decision for removal be approved the Elections Credentials Committee shall initiate by-elections within 6 months.

    Should the decision for removal be overturned the Local Unit Executive shall be reinstated without delay.

    The process does not preclude a member, including an Executive Officer, from filing a complaint in accordance with Article – Complaint(s) Management Process.