Convention 2025

HSAA's Annual Convention will be held on May 29 & 30, 2025. This page will be the home of everything you need to know as we lead up to our biggest event of the year.

Date Thursday May 29, 2025 to Friday May 30, 2025

Location Edmonton Convention Centre In person

Address 9797 Jasper Ave

How do I attend Convention?

Attendance at Convention is primarily determined by delegates allocated to every active Local Unit. Each Local Unit chooses how they select their delegates. Unused delegates are made available through a lottery to the members in the HSAA District of that Local Unit. Members without delegate status will receive an email notifying them of registration for the lottery in March. 

How can I submit a resolution?

Members may want the Union to address concerns in the form of a resolution to be considered by the delegates at Convention. The purpose of a resolution is to address an issue raised by the membership. Issues pertaining to union policy, government lobbying or future action for the Union, are all appropriate topics for consideration by the membership.

Please note: Collective bargaining issues are not dealt with at Convention but are dealt with through other means prior to the expiry of a collective agreement, such as at a bargaining conference, or through surveys and other methods of consultations with the membership.

The deadline to submit resolutions for consideration at Convention 2025 is Monday, April 14, 2025.

Resolutions may be submitted for consideration at our Annual Convention as per Article 48.04 – Resolutions in our Constitution. A resolution shall be considered and voted on at Convention only if a Local Unit or a group of members has submitted the resolution through the form on the HSAA website at least 45 days before the Convention and it meets the criteria outlined in Policy 2.52.