
The Constitution is HSAA’s highest expression of the collective will of the membership of the Union. It stands as the ultimate authority upon which every decision is based. As such, it can only be amended by a 2/3 vote of the delegates at Convention of a special meeting.

Curious what has changed? If you would like to view a copy of the Constitution where changes from the previous Convention are highlighted in red text, click the corresponding button below to view the PDF version.

On this page you can review the web version of the Constitution. A PDF file can also be downloaded.

Article 19 - Fees and Dues

  1. Anyone applying for membership shall pay fees and/or assessments as determined by the Board or the membership.
  2. The dues of the Health Sciences Association of Alberta shall be 1.4 percent of gross earnings.
  3. Any change to annual dues for the following fiscal year shall be voted upon by the members at convention.  
  4. Any proposal to decrease annual dues can only be brought to a convention on recommendation of the Board of Directors, to take effect the following fiscal year.
  5. With a majority vote of two-thirds (2/3) of its members, the Board of Directors may temporarily increase dues by up to 15 per cent of daily gross, if:
    1. the Strike Fund drops below 50 percent of what it was before the strike started or
    2. it drops to less than $1,000,000 and
    3. the increase is used only for the Strike Fund
  6. Extra dues shall be assessed if members work within their bargaining unit when their own bargaining unit is on a lockout or strike.  These dues shall be deducted from their pay cheque. This includes when they are required by law to provide essential or emergency services.  In these cases, they shall pay dues of 30 per cent of their daily gross pay (before deductions).  These dues shall be in addition to their regular dues and shall be put into the Strike Fund.
  7. Extra dues assessed if members work during an alternate job action.  This could include escalating strikes, when increasing numbers of members go out on strike.  This could also include rotating strikes, when different sites go out at different times.  The Board of Directors and bargaining committee may decide together if they shall be assessed these dues.  In these situations, they may pay dues of 30 per cent of their daily gross pay (before deductions).  These dues shall be deducted from their pay cheque.  These dues shall be in addition to their regular dues and shall be put into the Strike Fund.
  8. The monies generated from these higher-level dues shall be used to equalize the impact of the strike among those deemed essential and non-essential employees in accordance with applicable agreements between the Union and the Employer.
  9. Any member who is not deemed essential and reports for work shall be fined by HSAA an amount equal to 100 per cent of their daily gross pay (before deductions).  Any member who fails to comply with the payment of the fine imposed under this constitution shall cease to be a member in good standing until such fine is paid.
  10. HSAA may, on approval of the Board and subject to a majority vote at a convention, levy special assessments on its dues’ payers.