
The Constitution is HSAA’s highest expression of the collective will of the membership of the Union. It stands as the ultimate authority upon which every decision is based. As such, it can only be amended by a 2/3 vote of the delegates at Convention of a special meeting.

Curious what has changed? If you would like to view a copy of the Constitution where changes from the previous Convention are highlighted in red text, click the corresponding button below to view the PDF version.

On this page you can review the web version of the Constitution. A PDF file can also be downloaded.

Article 26 - Eligibility for Elections or to Serve as an HSAA Representative

  1. Only active members in good standing are eligible for nomination, election or appointment.
  2. President or Vice-President

    Any active member in good standing of the Union is eligible for nomination for the position of President or Vice-President.

  3. District Board Members
    1. To be eligible for election in a district, a member must be employed in a bargaining unit in that district.
    2. In situations where a member works in more than one district, that member must choose which district to run for in any given year and they cannot represent more than one district at any given time.
    3. A member of the Board whose term does not expire at the next convention may only run for a vacant district board position if they resign their current district board position prior to the call for nominations.
  4. Any member who occupies a representative position with HSAA shall automatically vacate the office if they accept an out-of-scope position (management exempt) which places them in a conflict of interest with their union duties.
  5. A member may only accept a nomination for one position in each election (i.e., President or Vice-President).
  6. Local Unit Executive

    To be eligible for election to the Local Unit executive, a member must be a member in good standing of that Local Unit.

  7. HSAA Representatives on All Joint Employer/Union Committees

    HSAA representatives on all joint Employer/Union committees, including Joint Workplace Health and Safety and Employee/Management Advisory Committees, must be duly appointed by an appropriate HSAA governing body.