
The Constitution is HSAA’s highest expression of the collective will of the membership of the Union. It stands as the ultimate authority upon which every decision is based. As such, it can only be amended by a 2/3 vote of the delegates at Convention of a special meeting.

Curious what has changed? If you would like to view a copy of the Constitution where changes from the previous Convention are highlighted in red text, click the corresponding button below to view the PDF version.

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Article 27 - Nominations and Elections

  1. All elections shall be determined by a single ballot; the member(s) with the largest number of votes shall be declared elected. Where two Board positions are vacant, the member with the second largest number of votes shall also be elected.
  2. All elections shall be held by secret ballot, which may include electronic methods.
  3. President and Vice-President
    1. Nomination:
      1. Any ten (10) members in good standing may nominate an eligible member for the position of President or Vice-President.
      2. The nomination must be signed by the nominators and by the nominee to indicate their willingness to stand for election.
      3. Nominations shall begin after February 15, as determined by the Elections/Credentials Committee.  Nominations must be received by the prescribed deadline.
      4. Where there are no nominations for President or Vice-President, the Board shall determine the process of issuing a further call for nominations and elections.
    2. Election:
      1. Each active member in good standing of the Union shall receive one ballot for each position.
      2. Ballots shall be processed in accordance with the procedure determined by the
      3. Elections/Credentials Committee.  Except for Vacancies in Mid-Term/President and Vice President, or where no candidate is nominated after the first call for nominations, elections for Executive Officers shall be completed no later than March 31.
      4. In the event that there is only one candidate, that candidate shall be acclaimed.
      5. The President and Vice-President shall be sworn in and take office at the conclusion of the convention, or at the first Board meeting thereafter, but in every case no later than June 14.
      6. Subject to the above, the election procedure shall be determined by the Elections/Credentials Committee and approved by the Board.
      7. The elections of the President and Vice-President shall be on separate ballots.
  4. District Board Members
    1. Nomination:
      1. Any five (5) members in good standing in a district in which an election is to be held may nominate an eligible member to the Board.
      2. The nomination must be signed by the five (5) nominators and by the nominee to indicate their willingness to stand for election.
      3. Nominations shall begin after March 1, as determined by the Elections/Credentials Committee.  Nominations must be received by the prescribed deadline.
    2. Election:
      1. Each active member in a district in which an election is held shall receive an electronic ballot.
      2. Ballots shall be processed in accordance with the procedure determined by the
      3. Elections/Credentials Committee. Except for Vacancies in Mid-Term/District Board Members, or where no candidate is nominated after the first call for nominations, elections for District Board members shall be completed no later than May 7.
      4. In the event that there is only one candidate in a district, that candidate shall be acclaimed.
      5. The Board Members so elected shall be sworn in and take office at the conclusion of the convention, or at the first Board meeting thereafter, but in every case no later than June 14.
      6. Subject to the above, the election procedure shall be determined by the Elections/Credentials Committee and approved by the Board.