Table of contents
Position Statements: 1 - 10
- Position Statement 1 - Mandatory AIDS/HIV Testing
- Position Statement 2 - Reaffirming HSAA's Commitment to Medicare
- Position Statement 3 - Child Care and Early Childhood Education
- Position Statement 4 - Attendance Management
- Position Statement 5 - Bullying and Harassment in the Workplace
- Position Statement 6 - Students
- Position Statement 7 - Volunteers
- Position Statement 8 - Flat Tax
- Position Statement 9 - Employee and Family Assistance Programs (EFAP)
- Position Statement 10 - Local Unit Participation in Joint Union Activities
Position Statements: 11 - 20
- Position Statement 11 - Human Rights, Equality and Non-Discrimination
- Position Statement 12 - Parental Leave
- Position Statement 13 - Poverty
- Position Statement 14 - Source Testing
- Position Statement 15 - Indoor Air Quality
- Position Statement 16 - Commitment to Public Health Care and Member Equity
- Position Statement 17 - Canadian Ratification of International Labour Organization Conventions
- Position Statement 18 - Progressive Labour Law Reform
- Position Statement 19 - Purchase of Union-Made and Fair-Trade Products
- Position Statement 20 - Energy Deregulation and Utility Privatization
Position Statements: 21 - 30
- Position Statement 21 - Political Leave
- Position Statement 22 - Pension Plan
- Position Statement 23 - Child Labour in Alberta
- Position Statement 24 - First Contract Arbitration
- Position Statement 25 - Noise
- Position Statement 26 - Pharmacare
- Position Statement 27 - Climate Change
- Position Statement 28 - Sustainable Environmental Ethical Purchasing Policies
- Position Statement 29 - Domestic Violence and the Workplace
- Position Statement 30 - Net Neutrality
Position Statements: 31 - 40
- Position Statement 31 - Electoral Reform in Alberta
- Position Statement 32 - Defined-Benefit Pension Plans
- Position Statement 33 - Living Wage Policy
- Position Statement 34 - Organizing
- Position Statement 35 - Supporting Public Education
- Position Statement 36 - Income Equality
- Position Statement 37 - Temporary Foreign Workers
- Position Statement 38 - Omnibus Budget Bill
- Position Statement 39 - Flu Vaccines
- Position Statement 40 - Workplace Health, Safety & Wellness
Position Statements: 41 - 50
- Position Statement 41 - Trade Agreements
- Position Statement 42 - The Ten Principles of Unionism
- Position Statement 43 - Ending Violence in the Workplace
- Position Statement 44 - HSAA Representation on Employer Committees
- Position Statement 45 - Paid Sick Days for All Working Albertans
- Position Statement 46 - Total Worker Health
- Position Statement 47 - Time for a Real Reconciliation with First Nations
- Position Statement 48 - Invest in Young Workers
- Position Statement 49 - Invest in Public Services
- Position Statement 50 - People not Profits
Position Statements: 51 - 57
- Position Statement 51 - Expansion of Medicare Umbrella - Dental Care
- Position Statement 52 - Expansion of Medicare Umbrella - Pharmacare
- Position Statement 53 - Opposition to Right-to-Work Laws
- Position Statement 54 - Prevention and Support of Workers Experiencing Mental Injury
- Position Statement 55 - Domestic and Intimate Partner Violence at Work
- Position Statement 56 - Opposition to Paying for Blood Products
- Position Statement 57 - Systemic Racism
Position Statement 5 - Bullying and Harassment in the Workplace
It is the position of HSAA that Bullying and Harassment is considered unacceptable conduct. It is offensive, and in many cases, intimidates or humiliates others, and will not be tolerated by HSAA.
Bullying is defined as: Acts or verbal comments that could “psychologically” hurt or isolate a person in the workplace. Sometimes bullying can involve negative physical contact as well. Bullying usually involves repeated incidents, a pattern or behavior that is intended to intimidate, offend, degrade or humiliate a person or group of people. It has also been described as the assertion of power through aggression. (CCOHS Definition).
Harassment means any single incident or repeated incidents of objectionable or unwelcome conduct, comment, bullying or action by a person that the person knows or ought reasonable to know will or would cause offence or humiliation to a worker, or adversely affects the worker’s health and safety, and includes
- Conduct, comment, bullying or action because of ethnicity, religious beliefs, colour, physical disability, mental disability, age, ancestry, place of origin, marital status, source of income, family status, gender, gender identity, gender expression and sexual orientation, and
- A sexual solicitation or advance,
but excludes any reasonable conduct of an employer or supervisor in respect of the management of workers or a work site. (Alberta OHS Act, sec. 1(q))
Alberta OHS Act has enacted obligations required of Employers, supervisors, and workers for the prevention of harassment in the workplace.
Every employer shall ensure, as far as it is reasonably practicable for the employer to do so, that none of the employer’s workers are subject to or participate in harassment or violence at the work site. (OHS Act, Part 1, sec. 3(1)(c))
Every worker shall, while engaged in an occupation, refrain from causing or participating in harassment or violence. (OHS Act, Part 1, sec. 5(d))
HSAA recognizes that harassment in the workplace compromises the integrity of the employment relationship and endangers employee well-being and job performance.
It is the responsibility of the employer to have a harassment prevention plan which includes a policy and procedures to provide a working environment which protects employees from Bullying and Harassment.
HSAA will insist on a timely, thorough investigation to be conducted by the Employer in every Bullying and Harassment complaint and will vigorously pursue redress for all bargaining unit members who are harassed.
Approved December 3, 1998
Amended March 2019
Approved at Convention May 2019