Table of contents
Position Statements: 1 - 10
- Position Statement 1 - Mandatory AIDS/HIV Testing
- Position Statement 2 - Reaffirming HSAA's Commitment to Medicare
- Position Statement 3 - Child Care and Early Childhood Education
- Position Statement 4 - Attendance Management
- Position Statement 5 - Bullying and Harassment in the Workplace
- Position Statement 6 - Students
- Position Statement 7 - Volunteers
- Position Statement 8 - Flat Tax
- Position Statement 9 - Employee and Family Assistance Programs (EFAP)
- Position Statement 10 - Local Unit Participation in Joint Union Activities
Position Statements: 11 - 20
- Position Statement 11 - Human Rights, Equality and Non-Discrimination
- Position Statement 12 - Parental Leave
- Position Statement 13 - Poverty
- Position Statement 14 - Source Testing
- Position Statement 15 - Indoor Air Quality
- Position Statement 16 - Commitment to Public Health Care and Member Equity
- Position Statement 17 - Canadian Ratification of International Labour Organization Conventions
- Position Statement 18 - Progressive Labour Law Reform
- Position Statement 19 - Purchase of Union-Made and Fair-Trade Products
- Position Statement 20 - Energy Deregulation and Utility Privatization
Position Statements: 21 - 30
- Position Statement 21 - Political Leave
- Position Statement 22 - Pension Plan
- Position Statement 23 - Child Labour in Alberta
- Position Statement 24 - First Contract Arbitration
- Position Statement 25 - Noise
- Position Statement 26 - Pharmacare
- Position Statement 27 - Climate Change
- Position Statement 28 - Sustainable Environmental Ethical Purchasing Policies
- Position Statement 29 - Domestic Violence and the Workplace
- Position Statement 30 - Net Neutrality
Position Statements: 31 - 40
- Position Statement 31 - Electoral Reform in Alberta
- Position Statement 32 - Defined-Benefit Pension Plans
- Position Statement 33 - Living Wage Policy
- Position Statement 34 - Organizing
- Position Statement 35 - Supporting Public Education
- Position Statement 36 - Income Equality
- Position Statement 37 - Temporary Foreign Workers
- Position Statement 38 - Omnibus Budget Bill
- Position Statement 39 - Flu Vaccines
- Position Statement 40 - Workplace Health, Safety & Wellness
Position Statements: 41 - 50
- Position Statement 41 - Trade Agreements
- Position Statement 42 - The Ten Principles of Unionism
- Position Statement 43 - Ending Violence in the Workplace
- Position Statement 44 - HSAA Representation on Employer Committees
- Position Statement 45 - Paid Sick Days for All Working Albertans
- Position Statement 46 - Total Worker Health
- Position Statement 47 - Time for a Real Reconciliation with First Nations
- Position Statement 48 - Invest in Young Workers
- Position Statement 49 - Invest in Public Services
- Position Statement 50 - People not Profits
Position Statements: 51 - 57
- Position Statement 51 - Expansion of Medicare Umbrella - Dental Care
- Position Statement 52 - Expansion of Medicare Umbrella - Pharmacare
- Position Statement 53 - Opposition to Right-to-Work Laws
- Position Statement 54 - Prevention and Support of Workers Experiencing Mental Injury
- Position Statement 55 - Domestic and Intimate Partner Violence at Work
- Position Statement 56 - Opposition to Paying for Blood Products
- Position Statement 57 - Systemic Racism
Position Statement 42 - The Ten Principles of Unionism
- My union is built on our members. The strength, understanding and unity of the membership determine my union’s course and its advancements.
- The members who make up my union and pay its dues are the ones to determine the right path for my union in our own interests, the interests of our union and in the interests of all the people.
- An informed and alert membership gives my union its power. My participation in the organization, negotiations, strikes, contract enforcement, local executive, education (formal and informal), member engagement and every other aspect of union life is indispensable to union solidarity.
- The strength of my union is built on setting aside internal differences and issues to combine for the common cause of advancing the interests of the membership. No union can successfully fulfill its purpose if it allows itself to be distracted by any issue which causes division and undermines the unity which all labour must have in the face of the employer.
- My union believes that workers are indivisible. My union celebrates our diversity which include age, race, colour, creed, ancestry, religious or political belief, gender, ability, family status or sexual orientation. Any division among the membership that pits worker against worker interferes with the power of my union.
- My union helps any member in times of distress. My union is more than my contract. This is a daily guide in the life of my union and its individual members.
- Conditions of work, security of employment and benefits for members and their families are of equal importance as wages.
- It is important for my union to organize the unorganized, in the interest of our memberships and of working people everywhere.
- My basic aspirations and desires are the same as any worker in the world. Inter-union and international union solidarity are crucial in sharing union research, education and actions of solidarity and affiliation with each other.
- My union looks beyond self-interest in the social and economic conditions of the communities in which we live. My union must support efforts that make communities and society a better place and promote change for the overall benefit of humanity.
Reviewed May 2018 Convention