Position Statements

The Health Sciences Association of Alberta (HSAA) upholds a set of values based in social democracy, social justice and environmental justice. These values guide HSAA in taking positions on issues that arise on an ongoing basis. Our position statements align with our mission, vision, values and strategic plan.

HSAA is affiliated with the National Union of Public and General Employees (NUPGE), the Canadian Labour Congress (CLC) and its subordinate bodies โ€“ the Alberta Federation of Labour (AFL) and the various District Labour Councils across Alberta.

To learn more about the mission and strategic plan that guide HSAA, click here.

On this page you can review the web version of our position statements. A PDF file can also be downloaded.

Position Statement 45 - Paid Sick Days for All Working Albertans


Advocate for adequate paid sick days for all working Albertans. These days are guaranteed, accessible, and at their regular rate of pay.

Because (rationale):

Many workers in Alberta do not have access to paid sick days including HSAA members who are employed in casual positions.

Paid sick days ensure workers can prioritize health without comprising financial stability.

Paid sick days allow the individual to seek early treatment for illness while also protecting colleagues and the public from communicable illnesses.

Working while unwell can lead to more severe health outcomes for the individual and increase the impact on the health system.

  • Paid: Fully paid at the regular rate of pay to ensure workers can protect themselves and their colleagues without impacting their finances.
  • Universal: Available to all workers regardless of workplace size, employment status, type of work, or immigration status. Legislated, with no exemptions.
  • Adequate: 12 paid sick days guaranteed on a permanent and annual basis.
  • Accessible: No worker must jump through unnecessary hoops with employers to take a sick day, including physical and mental health.

Approved May 2023 Convention