Position Statements

The Health Sciences Association of Alberta (HSAA) upholds a set of values based in social democracy, social justice and environmental justice. These values guide HSAA in taking positions on issues that arise on an ongoing basis. Our position statements align with our mission, vision, values and strategic plan.

HSAA is affiliated with the National Union of Public and General Employees (NUPGE), the Canadian Labour Congress (CLC) and its subordinate bodies โ€“ the Alberta Federation of Labour (AFL) and the various District Labour Councils across Alberta.

To learn more about the mission and strategic plan that guide HSAA, click here.

On this page you can review the web version of our position statements. A PDF file can also be downloaded.

Position Statement 16 - Commitment to Public Health Care and Member Equity

HSAA will defend and work to expand the hard-earned rights and benefits of all members regardless of employer.


Our Union is made up of members who work in public facilities and for private providers who are delivering vital publicly funded health-care services every day.

There is no conflict between advocating for a public health-care system and our commitment to all members.

Our members are equal, regardless of employer. HSAA will be a strong advocate fighting for better wages, better working conditions, strong pensions, improved work-life balance, and superior workplace health and safety policies for every member.

Governments can make decisions to transition HSAA members from one system to the other and HSAA believes no member should suffer any loss.

Approved May 2023 Convention