Position Statements

The Health Sciences Association of Alberta (HSAA) upholds a set of values based in social democracy, social justice and environmental justice. These values guide HSAA in taking positions on issues that arise on an ongoing basis. Our position statements align with our mission, vision, values and strategic plan.

HSAA is affiliated with the National Union of Public and General Employees (NUPGE), the Canadian Labour Congress (CLC) and its subordinate bodies – the Alberta Federation of Labour (AFL) and the various District Labour Councils across Alberta.

To learn more about the mission and strategic plan that guide HSAA, click here.

On this page you can review the web version of our position statements. A PDF file can also be downloaded.

Position Statement 2 - Reaffirming HSAA's Commitment to Medicare

HSAA will continue to advocate for and support:

  • Strict adherence to the five principles of the Canada Health Act:
    1. public administration
    2. comprehensiveness
    3. universality
    4. portability
    5. accessibility
  • Inclusion of community care, rehabilitation, home care, long-term care, addiction and mental health care and supportive living care within the scope of the legal framework defining medicare in Canada.
  • Development of a national home care program, a national Pharmacare program, and effective preventive health care programs.
  • Assurance of national standards through allocation of adequate federal funding to publicly provided health care.
  • Allocation of appropriate funding by the Alberta government to address the health care needs of Albertans without transferring health care provision from public delivery.
  • Recognition by governments of demographic factors, including population growth, age, poverty and other social determinants of health in resource allocation.


A clear majority of Canadians support the five fundamental principles enshrined in the Canada Health Act.

HSAA recognizes that while there are fiscal concerns, these must not supersede the primary goal of health care – the health and well-being of Canadians.

Methods of health care delivery and health care funding have shifted a substantial portion of care from hospitals and physicians’ services into community and home settings, and long-term care settings, with provision by many other allied health professionals.

Costs of pharmaceuticals and other supplies, which are essential in the delivery of health care, are prohibitive for many Canadians.

Both federal and provincial government funding allocations have been inadequate to ensure that the health care needs of Canadians are met.

HSAA supports Tommy Douglas’s vision of a “Second Stage of Medicare” remains to be completed.

Approved at 2008 AGM
Amended May 2018
Amended May 2023 Convention
Amended May 2024 Convention