We are excited to launch a new hsaa.ca. This new version of our website will be easier to use and is full of new, exciting features that give members a personalized experience and connect them with HSAA.
5 highlights you won't want to miss!
1. Everything is on one site
This provides a more seamless experience to ensure you can get as much information as possible without a password – like your bargaining updates!
To access more personalized and confidential information, you will need to use your member login. There is no change to how you log in: you’ll continue to use your HSAA Member ID and current password.
If you don’t already have an account, you will need to register before logging in.
If you need assistance logging in or registering, please reach out to our Members’ Resource Centre at MRC@hsaa.ca or 1-844-280-4722.
2. Improved member profile page
When you log in, you’ll be directed to your new member profile page, which serves as a dashboard for all your Union information. You will see any important details connected to your active job(s). On this page you can see:
- Your personal information on file (name, member ID and contact)
- Contact information for all your important Union representatives
- Quick links to access pages and information for your Local Unit and your Joint Worksite Health & Safety Committee (more on that below!)
- Your Collective Agreement
3. Connect with your Local Unit and Joint Worksite Health & Safety Committee
Logged-in members can easily connect with their Local Units through the “My Local Unit” link in the menu. Members will see the Local Unit(s) they are part of, to easily find and connect with your Local Unit representatives. Soon, these pages will show additional features from HSAA's Local Unit Executives.
Members can also access important information for their Joint Worksite Health & Safety Committees. Logged-in members will see the Health & Safety committees for their active job(s), which will connect them with Health & Safety representatives and important documents.
These two new pages are designed to help HSAA members easily connect with their Union and stay updated on local happenings!
4. Member-informed menu and content organization
Members played a key role in redeveloping HSAA’s website. Member feedback helped us understand how users navigate and engage with the content on the site, which makes us confident it will be a more intuitive experience right from the first click.
We have also enhanced search and filtering functions to make it easier to find the content you are looking for. And we’re excited to continue improving the site and adding content in the future!
5. Improved webform experience
We have improved our webform experience, with the most notable change in our signature function: no more pop-up signature documents! You can now sign directly on the form page and hit submit.
The improvements made to webforms will give members more self-service options on the website – now and in the future.
We hope you enjoy the new hsaa.ca!
Have more questions about the new website?
We have a Q&A page available for more information. If you have any questions about website content or features, please email communications@hsaa.ca.
Go to the Q&A page