Rexall Pharmacies Calgary Bargaining Update

Thanks to all of you who were able to participate in our bargaining team election.

The votes have now been tabulated and confirmed by the HSAA Board.

Your Bargaining team for this round is:

  • Heidi Bacon, Pharmacy Technician - Alberta Children's Hospital
  • Rosanne Ip, Pharmacy Technician - Peter Lougheed Centre
  • Kurt Moench, Labour Relations Officer (LRO) - Lead Spokesperson
  • Shannon McLeod, LRO - Spokesperson

As your bargaining team prepares to commence negotiations, we look forward to hearing from you and will keep you informed in the coming weeks.

We will be conducting a member survey and will meet with you to discuss the results, so keep an eye on your email inboxes!

In addition to HSAA’s internal and external research, our bargaining team will spend time together reviewing, analyzing your feedback, discussing strategy, and developing our proposals for bargaining. We understand the significance of the issues that will be coming to the bargaining table and feel your urgency for results. As your bargaining committee heads to the table, we are feeling inspired by your passion, and we are optimistic about what we can achieve together.

And before we go, we have one more thing to ask of you. Please share these updates with your colleagues in your workplaces. If you find out that someone is not receiving these emails, encourage them to sign up as a member and ensure they are subscribed to our emails.

Being signed up as a member is how you receive bargaining updates and, more importantly, a ballot when it comes time to vote on the collective agreement.

We hope you’ll spread the word to as many as possible, so everyone is informed and able to vote.

In Solidarity,

Your Rexall Calgary Bargaining Team

Heidi Bacon, Pharmacy Technician – Alberta Children’s Hospital
Rosanne Ip, Pharmacy Technician – Peter Lougheed Centre
Kurt Moench, LRO – Lead Spokesperson
Shannon McLeod, LRO – Spokesperson