As part of HSAA’s ongoing engagement strategy, Labour Relations Officers have been coordinating to get out to the sites more frequently and was hoping to set up site visits at APL sites. The goal of these casual drop-in meetings are to give members a forum to come and ask questions. In some of these cases, HSAA would also like to introduce you to the HSAA Local Unit Members, including coordination of Local Unit AGMMs. Historically, we have been allowed on site for these and other activities without issue.
We were hoping APL could approve these site visits since HSAA would need permission to be on-site and we want to ensure there would be no impact to operations.
Despite repeated requests to APL, HSAA has been denied any opportunity to be on site for Local Unit Business or apparently any other Union initiated business.
We are quite concerned with APL’s resistive approach to working with the Union and have filed a policy grievance on this matter.
If you have any questions, concerns, or request for a site visit for your site, please feel free to reach out to your respective Labour Relations Officer directly. It is our hope that through filing this policy grievance, that APL will work with HSAA to ensure we can hear directly from you in effort to provide you the best representation possible.
An email containing a link to the full policy grievance was sent to all members employed by APL on Friday, February 21. Members interested in viewing the grievance in full can access it via that email or by reaching out to their Labour Relations Officer.
In solidarity,
HSAA Labour Relations