HSAA is providing an update to our communication from February 21, 2025 where we advised you that we had filed a policy grievance on APL not allowing HSAA On-Site for Union Business.
We held a Grievance Hearing with Senior Leadership at APL on Friday, March 7 where HSAA was able to clarify the types of meetings we might be doing for these site visits such as AGMMs and LRO Site Visits.
On Tuesday March 11, 2025, APL have confirmed that the previous restriction on HSAA for Site Visits to conduct Union Business has been lifted and that the Employer will work with HSAA to coordinate these types of visits. Of note, such visits will still be subject to HSAA obtaining prior approval, Site logistics (as some sites may not have space), and that Employees work not be disrupted.
Based on the ability to do Site Visits again, HSAA will be settling the Policy Grievance.
As part of HSAA’s ongoing engagement strategy, Labour Relations Officers will be coordinating to get out to sites more frequently. The goal of these casual drop-in meetings are to give members a forum to come and ask questions. In some of these cases, HSAA would also like to introduce you to the HSAA Local Unit Members, including coordination of Local Unit AGMMs.
If you have any questions, concerns, or a request for a Site Visit for your site, please feel free to reach out to your respective Labour Relations Officer directly.