Our latest bargaining meetings on November 25 and 26 initiated meaningful negotiations with APL.
There were good discussions between APL and us, with progress made, but the pace is slower than we would like due to the employers not sharing our sense of urgency to move bargaining forward. Your bargaining team will come to the table on every set of dates, ready to advance to a deal as fast as possible that meets the needs and expectations of our membership. However, bargaining will take time.
Your bargaining committee was able to sign off on updates to three Letters of Understanding (LOU).
LOU 11 – Benefits of Eligible Casual Employees
LOU 14 – Part-time Seasonal Employees
Lou 19 – Duty to Accommodate (renew)
Our most recent meeting dates were focused on discussing non-monetary proposals and we have agreed to exchange our ingoing monetary proposals later in our negotiations. This approach allows us to start where there is the most agreement between the parties and then work towards our more contentious items.
Our next negotiation dates are December 17 and 18. We will update you as soon as possible after that.
If you have questions about our Union’s approach to bargaining, there is a general FAQ page you can access here. If you have further questions or feedback, please email aplbargaining@hsaa.ca.
In solidarity,
Your APL Bargaining Team
Laurie Brassard, Laboratory Technologist, UAH, Edmonton (Chair, HSAA Board Member)
Lisa Constantini, MLA, PSC, Calgary (HSAA Board Member)
Ayed Saad, Laboratory Technologist, FMC, Calgary
Evan Zinyk, MLA, Base Lab, Edmonton
Georgianna Renkas, Laboratory Technologist, FMC, Calgary
Katie Hudson, Combined Lab & X-Ray Technologist, Fox Creek
Bailey-Rae Church, MLA, PSC, Red Deer
Chris Bradshaw, HSAA Labour Relations Officer (Lead Spokesperson)
Tammy Milliken, HSAA Labour Relations Officer, (Spokesperson)
Sheena Schiemann, HSAA Administrative Assistant Negotiations