Nominate a member for this award who has made a substantial contribution to HSAA and meets the following criteria. The eligible nominee will ideally:
- Be an active or retired member of HSAA in good standing.
- Have demonstrated union values in their workplace and the community.
- Have generated support or raised new awareness among policy makers, the media and the general public regarding the value of unions and its membership, such as:
- Contribute to a cause specific to current union issues or needs;
- Spread the word of union issues and needs among HSAA members and the public.
- Have demonstrated exemplary action that has resulted in increased union awareness and engagement within the membership and community.
- Have demonstrated efforts to develop strong alliances; endorse current union issue(s); and a highlights the work that expresses the value of HSAA.
- The advocacy work has resulted in building engaged membership; a stronger union; and a recognizable presence in Alberta.
Please submit your nomination by March 31 using the online form below. This award will be presented at Convention annually.
Past Recipients
- Amy Adams - 2024
- Treena Ward - 2023