Advocacy Award

This award recognizes outstanding achievements in advancing HSAA's objectives and activities through advocacy.

Nominate a member for this award who has made a substantial contribution to HSAA and meets the following criteria. The eligible nominee will ideally:

  • Be an active or retired member of HSAA in good standing.
  • Have demonstrated union values in their workplace and the community.
  • Have generated support or raised new awareness among policy makers, the media and the general public regarding the value of unions and its membership, such as:
    • Contribute to a cause specific to current union issues or needs;
    • Spread the word of union issues and needs among HSAA members and the public.
  • Have demonstrated exemplary action that has resulted in increased union awareness and engagement within the membership and community.
  • Have demonstrated efforts to develop strong alliances; endorse current union issue(s); and a highlights the work that expresses the value of HSAA.
  • The advocacy work has resulted in building engaged membership; a stronger union; and a recognizable presence in Alberta.

Please submit your nomination by March 31 using the online form below. This award will be presented at Convention annually.

This form is only accessible to HSAA members. Please log in or sign up.

Past Recipients

  • Amy Adams - 2024
  • Treena Ward - 2023