Use Your Voice to Support Strong Health Care
The Alberta government is planning big changes to health-care delivery. Whatever happens, patient care must come first. And that means solving the staffing crisis by lifting the hiring freeze on critical front-line health-care professionals, and keeping health-care publicly funded and delivered.
We need to speak up now.
Privatization will only make the staffing crisis worse.
Remember what happened when DynaLIFE, a private company, took over public labs across Alberta? Access to lab services was reduced. Corners were cut that reduced the quality of lab testing. And lab professionals who were already burnt out from supporting us through a pandemic were pushed even harder under harsher working conditions. All for corporations to profit from health care.
It took huge public pressure to get the government to finally step in and make all labs in Alberta publicly delivered.
This painful example shows how privatization is a major obstacle to fixing the staffing crisis. You can’t blame people for hesitating to join a health-care system where they could be treated this way.
Please send a letter to the government asking them to put patients first by guaranteeing health care will be publicly funded and publicly delivered. You can share your own story or your own words if you wish — doing so will make your letter even more powerful.