$10-a-day Child Care Now!

Public Interest Alberta has launched a campaign for $10-a-day child care after the federal government announced a $30 billion dollar investment over the next 5 years, and both British Columbia and Nova Scotia have signed on.

The campaign aims to inspire Albertans to demand that the Kenney government reverse their damaging pattern of undercutting the child care sector, and work with the federal government to implement a national system of accessible, affordable, and high quality child care for every working family in Alberta that needs it.

$10-a-day child care would mean massive savings for working families, an immediate intervention into the lives of children who live in poverty, and investing in a sector that has a primarily female workforce.

To kick off the campaign, Public Interest Alberta put out a call to ask parents and caregivers what $10-a-day child care would mean for their family, and dozens of people sent in videos which they edited together to create a powerful campaign video.

To add your name to the list of Albertans supporting the $10-a-day child care system, click here to be taken to the campaign action tool.

Please also view and share their campaign posts on Twitter and Facebook.
Twitter post
Facebook post (pinned to the top of the page)