HSAA home page

Seven New Developments in the AHS For-Profit Surgical Contracts Scandal: An Update
HSAA is supporting members who wish to stay informed about how the AHS scandal developments impact the public health system.

Survey Shows Health Care Professionals Want Budget 2025 to Fix Short Staffing, Raise Wages, and Invest in Public Care
A new survey of frontline health care professionals confirms what those working in the system already know: Alberta’s health care system is in crisis.

Serious Allegations from Former CEO of Alberta Health Services: What You Need to Know
You've seen our President talking about serious allegations from former CEO of AHS. But what’s really happening? What does this mean for you on the frontlines.
Join Alberta's health-care professionals to protect & expand public health care.

Advocacy & Actions
Join Alberta’s frontline health-care professionals to protect and expand public health care. Support our advocacy work and take action.

Alberta's health-care professionals deserve fair wages
Send a letter to your MLA to tell them Alberta's health-care professionals deserve fair wages.

Addiction care is health care. Tell the Premier and Minister of Health. Save lives.
Alberta’s approach to the overdose crisis has failed. Tell the Alberta government it’s time to listen to health-care professionals.